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Macworld Expo San Francisco 2001
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Macintosh User Group leaders and members volunteer at Macworld Expo to act as guides, to help attendees find what they're looking for and get the most out of the show. These are the people who gave their time so that others could benefit.

Jan Barken
Gold Coast Macintosh Users Group

An eight year Macintosh user, Jan has been involved with computers for 30 years, since the days of IBM Typewriter terminals and paper printouts. Retired after more than 20 years with the Coast Guard, Jan is currently an Application Analyst with McKesson HBOC, working in the MIS department at Miami Children's Hospital. A member of both the Upper Keys Macintosh User Group and Gold Coast Mac, Jan has served for a number of years as a Director of Gold Coast Mac, and is currently in charge of product reviews for their newsletter and was a volunteer at the first Apple User Group University in New York. He's especially interested in Digital Photography and graphic design.

Esver Camacho
Gold Coast Macintosh Users Group

Esver is the Secretary/Historian for Gold Coast Mac. He was a member of an Apple II user group from 1983 to 1989, then joined the Mac User Group community. Esver established a hard copy library for Gold Coast Mac where members can check out other user groups' newsletters and books. He runs the family bakery (El Brazo Fuerte Bakery) in Miami. "How I majored in Psychology (Pre-Med), love working as a consultant with Macs and manage to run a successful bakery is beyond me.Maybe the Mac just makes it that easy!"

Jackie Christopher
Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group

Jackie has been a leader for Macintosh Users Groups for over 10 years. She has held every office including President for two years when the MUG was established, Newsletter Editor, Vice President, Apple Ambassador, Program Chair and is currently Apple Ambassador. Jackie is a Division Manager for Deere & Company (John Deere) in Moline, IL. Her current assignment is Customer Engagement Manager for the Enterprise Support Solutions Center at Deere. Past managerial assignments include Application Development Manager for the SAP implementation project, Project Manager for e-commerce, and Project Manager for Internet Applications.

Richard Crispin
Waterloo Region Macintosh Users’ Group

Richard has been President of WatRMUG for almost every term since 1986. The group is a community group and attracts people from as far as 40 miles away. He has been on the Board of Consortium of Canadian User Groups since 1994, and President since 1997. CCUG is an expanding federation of Mac Groups currently based in Southern Ontario. Richard is also in the Macintosh Technical User Group (MacTUG) at the University of Waterloo where he is a geek and a member of the Southern Ontario Filemaker Association (SOFA). He also serves on Apple's User Group Advisory Board. During the day, he is a computer consultant for the Department of Psychology at the University of Waterloo.

Alfred Darby
Lewiston/Auburn Macintosh Users Group

Alfred has been involved with his local MUG for the past five years providing, leadership in a variety roles including Membership Director, Technical Advisor and currently as President. LAMUG provided the energy to start the first annual NCEE/METE computer show in 1997 and has continued to provide support and organization for the expo. Alfred has also been a member of the Macintosh Trainers Association. He spends his professional time as a Unix Administrator at one of New England's largest hospitals and in the past has applied his abilities on the behalf of Unum Life, GH Bass, Scott Paper, IBM, Philip-Morris, and MediaOne.

Dave Game
Gold Coast MUG
A 16 year Macintosh user, Dave's first computer was one of the first Macs off the truck in Detroit, Michigan, and he's never looked back. A long time user group member, former President, and current Vice President of his group, Dave edits the Gold Coast Mac newsletter and is the group's webmaster. He uses the Macintosh extensively in his position as an Emmy-Award-Winning investigative producer for CBS in Miami, where he coordinates computer-assisted reporting efforts. Other notable achievements include presenting at the original User Group University at Macworld Expo 2000 New York, and leading a roundtable at the Florida Accociation of Computer User Groups Fall Leadership Conference in November 2000. He has been a frequent guest on the Miami-Based technology radio program "Into Tomorrow". To fill in the odd moment, he owns a small business which designs websites for other small businesses. His latest passion is digital video, creating projects which stretch the capabilities of iMovie both for individuals and in professional broadcast situations.

Gail Glore

Gail bought her first Mac to complete her senior thesis at Norwich University and, at the same time, joined her first Mac user group. A past President of MacChamp, she founded WiredWomen to create "...a place where women could ask their questions and problem solve in an atmosphere more suited to their needs." Gail is also the newest member of Apple's User Group Advisory Board, with responsibility for editing email communications. In her day job, Gail is the registrar for "Hot Topics in Neonatology," an annual global conference. In her spare time, she has five children and a very tired- but understanding husband.

Scott Hulsey

David Krafchick

David has served his group in various capacities, including Vice-President and Main Meeting Coordinator. David is an inventor and consultant for Nimbleland. He holds a BFA in Directing from Boston University School For The Arts, and has seven years of Arts & Politics in at Washington State University. David developed the Macworld User Group Guide Program, which is in use at Expo.

Tore Lundemo
Mac Users Group Singapore

Rose Lynn
Gold Coast Macintosh Users Group

Rose is proud to serve the Macintosh community in a variety of capacities, including "Content Queen" of the 2nd Apple User Group University, a member of Apple's User Group Advisory Board, a past president of Gold Coast Macintosh User Group, a member of the Florida Association of Computer Users and the The Association of Personal Computer User Groups. Rose's day jobs include full time management of our family owned catering business and maintaining Insurance and Real Estate licenses

Roy McDonnell

Merry Perry
Maryland Apple Corps

Merry has been involved with the Maryland Apple Corps since 1983, when she got her first Apple (a II+), mostly as treasurer (current position). She did a lot of beta testing in those days and attended Applefests regularly, even becoming a speaker while a contributing editor for the Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide. She sold needlework for five years and then computers for 11 years. She has helped at the users groups breakfasts at Macworld for the last few years and has been a MarketSource demonstrator. Merry attended Wilson College and is presently working as an administrative secretary at the Institute For Policy Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Lynn Poos
Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group

Currently the secretary-treasurer of the largest active MUG in the State of Colorado, Lynn has been involved with the Mac since the late 1980's. Lynn has also been involved with Apple Computer on several promotional ventures and consulting. He holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor's Degree in Police Science and Administration. Retiring in 1993 after thirty-four years with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Lynn moved to Colorado and was appointed by the City Council to serve on the Colorado Springs Liquor and Beer Licensing Board, where he has served since. In 1998 he was appointed by the Governor to chair the Colorado Juvenile Parole Board, a position he currently holds.

Garr Reynolds
Kinki Macintosh Users Group

Garr is president of KMUG in Osaka, Japan. Professionally, Garr is a corporate learning specialist at Sumitomo Electric's head office in Osaka. There he is responsible for special projects coordination and the design of cross-cultural management seminars. Garr frequently makes formal presentations outside the company on such issues as change management, career development, design, and branding. Before going to Japan Garr worked on cross-cultural management issues at the East-West Center in Honolulu. Garr has an M.A. in Organizational Communication from the University of Hawaii.

Ronnie Roche
North Coast Mac Users Group

Ronnie has been a Mac user since 1993 when she purchased a Quadra 605. She took to Mac's like a fish out of water and now run a Mac consulting/training business focusing on new users. Her involvement with user groups began in 1992 when a friend gave her an Apple IIe. Her MUG positions have included Assistant Software Librarian and graphic designer for two local user groups, as well as her current post on the Board Of Directors for the North Coast Macintosh Users Group.

Robert Redmond

David Roemer
Apple Student Core @ Emory, Emory University

David has the pleasure of working with extraordinary students and educators as they use Apple technologies to enhance education, campus life, and their contributions to the community. David has been living and breathing Apple for many years—including an amazing summer last year as the Apple User Group Program intern in Cupertino and a couple years as an Apple Campus Representative.

Lorene Romero
North Coast Mac Users Group

Lorene has been the President of NCMUG for 3 years. She began 6 years ago as a new member who volunteered to help with a fundraising event. She serves on Apple's User Group Advisory Board as "Vendor Queen," working with vendors to improve relations and negotiate MUG discounts. It has become something she loves because everyone wins. In spite of an educational background in Clinical Psychology and12 years in the Mental Health field, she decided to work with computers. Today Lorene works at a software company and is the corporate contact for 30 field reps. It is much less stressful.

Jonas Skardis
Santa Fe Mac Users Group

Jonas has been a member of the Santa Fe Mac Users Group Executive Board for three years, one as chairman, and serves as Meeting Coordinator and Cage-Meister. Jonas hosts numerous special interest groups on topics ranging from web design to digital video. As a member of Apple's User Group Advisory Board, Jonas is "list mom" to the Apple User Group Discussion List, and coordinator of the UGAB's monthly chats on WorldWithout Borders. He also owns and operates a successful Macintosh consulting business

Lesa Snider

Lesa Snider
Cowtown Macintosh User Group

Lesa has been a member of CMUG for eight years, initially serving as Newsletter Editor, and moving onto Web Master. She is a graduate of The Art Institute of Dallas, where she majored in multimedia and web development. Along with being the Web Master of People Newspapers in Dallas, Lesa operates her own interactive media and web development company named Flying Fingers (she types 100 wpm!). She is a devoted Mac fanatic and rumored to have an Apple tattoo. Lesa's life revolves around a 500mHz G4 and a PowerBook 3400. She frequently volunteers for Apple at local product roll-outs and road shows.

David Wysocki
North Coast Mac Users Group

David has been Vice President of NCMUG for the past 3 years, as well as contributing to the groups's newsletter as a product reviewer. David also serves on the organizing committee for Mac Computer Expo, the group's annual fundraising event. A journeyman pipefitter, he has made the change to full-time software testing in the Schools division of The Learning Company, and he also owns and operates a Mac consulting business.

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Last Update: Wed, Aug 4, 2004