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Macintosh User Group Newsletter Content Resources

Looking for articles for your newsletter or web site? Check out these sources of interesting and informative articles.

If you've got articles you are willing to share, we'll like to the "Contents" page or the equivalent on your web site.

Get newsletter content delivered right to your email box! Share your newsletter content with other MUGs and generate publicity and respect for your group. Join the MUG Center Newsletter Content Email List and enjoy exclusive content from Chris Breen, The MUG Center, and MUG newsletter authors and editors from around the globe.

Adobe posts White Papers, Case Studies and Press releases as PDF files on their web site, which can be used as newsletter articles.

Looking for Apple product shots and information for your newsletter, but can't wait for the Sales Web CD? Bookmark the Press Info page on Apple's site.You can find the most current press releases, executive bios, product photography (in printable resolution rather than screen resolution) and more.

Apple-recognized user groups have access to Apple Sales Web, where articles, photos and more are available. Many of these resources make great articles by themselves, or can be used in research for other topics.

Adam Engst, publisher of TidBITS, the free email and Web publication covering the Macintosh Internet community, encourages the use of his materials, within common-sense guidelines. There is a liberal reprint policy for non-commercial publications. Adam talked about his belief and background in, and suport of user groups on The User Group Report #313.

AppleWorks is a program that almost every Mac user has on their hard drive, and uses at one time or another. To keep your members better informed about the workhorse of Apple's software catalog, The AppleWorks Users Group offers the AppleWorks News Service, a free email list of special offers, new products and other news related to AppleWorks. This material is perfect as content for your group's newsletter, and may be reprinted with attribution.

To be certain you are using copyrighted materials correctly, review "10 Big Myths about copyright explained" by Brad Templeton, Chairman of the Board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, will help keep you out of trouble. Brad offers explanations of common misunderstandings on topics such as:

  • "If it doesn't have a copyright notice, it's not copyrighted."
  • "If I don't charge for it, it's not a violation."
  • "My posting was just fair use!"
  • "If you don't defend your copyright you lose it." - "Somebody has that name copyrighted!"
  • "Oh, so copyright violation isn't a crime or anything?"
  • "It doesn't hurt anybody - in fact it's free advertising." program

These user groups make their newsletters available on their web sites, and allow article reprints, provided credit is given.

These authors have archived their articles, and offer them for reprint in user group newsletters., Inc.

Apple iTunes, Inc.
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