Texas Mac User Group Celebrates 30 Years with Special Guest Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus
The October meeting of the Houston Area Apple User Group (HAAUG) will mark their 30th anniversary celebration. Thirty years in business as a Mac User Group is worthy of a party, and who better to have as the guest speaker than Bob “Dr. Mac” Levitus.
Bob will visit HAAUG to deliver one of his trademark “State of the Mac” addresses that will cover not only Apple’s new hardware announcements of iPods, MacBook Pro’s, MacBooks and MacBook Airs, but also some of his favorite programs and utilities that are both useful and fun.
The party starts at 9 AM on October 25th at the Bellaire Civic Center. Visit the HAAUG web site for directions and information on how you can join in and see Dr. Mac live and in person.