KeynoteUser.com In-Depth, MacSpringFest in Honolulu and Evan Ziolkowski of the Apple Campus Group Advisory Board
We've got an in-depth interview with the publisher of one of the best resource sites on the Web for Apple's presentation program, a spotlight on a regional MUG event in Honolulu, talk with the newest member of Apple's Campus Group Advisory Board and run down a number of upcoming user group events. (#506)
Brian Peat of KeynoteUser.com goes in-depth on his site and what makes it different from other Keynote-oriented web sites. How taking advantage of the themes that Brian produces can improve your presentations, where to get more Keynote information, and the details of Brian's special user group offer are all covered in this week's in-depth interview. |
Evan Ziolkowski of University of Wisconson - Madison Macintosh Users Group and the newest member of Apple's Campus Group Advisory Board talks about Apple on campus, his group, and being appointed to Apple's volunteer team. |