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TMC Survey: What is Your Group's Summer Meeting Schedule?
Apr 13, 2005 - Apr 19, 2005 |
No matter where your user group is located, the summer season presents challenges for getting members to attend meetings. Competition from outdoor activites, vacation schedules and other special events can greatly reduce attendance. Some groups opt to go on hiatus for the summer months, others consolidate meetings, and still others take the opportunity to hold special events such as picnics, garage sales, etc.
What is Your Group's Summer Meeting Schedule? |
Response Percent
Response Total
Special event, socially oriented - picnic, pool party, etc.
Hiatus - no meetings
Abbreviated meetings - regular schedule, but shorter, limited topic meetings
Special events, Mac oriented - garage sale, swap meet, etc.
Consolidate meetings - have only one meeting during the summer
Total Respondents:
- Meetings stay the same all year. One afternoon meeting for troubleshooting, one night meeting with speaker.
- Regular monthly meetings with a special picnic & social event thrown in!
- We run our normal routine except August. For August we have a social gathering at a local restaurant. Members a encouraged to bring a guest (or spouse).
- We have occassionally arranged for bulk movie deals on big name movies like Star Wars and LotR
- our expo, then recoup time
- HACK in Hamiolton Ontario Canada. BBQ, last year it was webcast!
- But it is Winter down here ;) so our normal timetable of three meetings per month continues
- I run 11 meetings a year. I take July off and sometimes someone else will run the July meeting, other times we do without a July meeting.